• Everyone has inherent worth and value independent of what they do, create, or produce.

  • We practice patience and acceptance starting with ourselves.

  • We are forever students of change, willing to learn and ready to grow.

  • Rest and healing are critical to our survival and moves us beyond resilience.

We dedicate ourselves to an intentional pursuit of deep learning so that we can collectively change our current systems by undoing constructs rooted in white supremacy, colonialism, and imperialism.

Our Values

These values are founded on prioritizing healing and acknowledge harm. Injustice and inequity are baked into our economic, social, and political systems. We believe there are alternative approaches to create, produce, and provide products or services that value people and the planet before profit. By practicing patience and grace with ourselves and others we meet, hold space and accept people where they are. We recognize we don’t have all the answers and believe in learning from people’s lived experiences, as they are the experts on what they need.